Designing the perfect logo is essential for every brand, big or small, as it is the first impression that a consumer gets about your brand. We have, below, walked you through the entire process of creating the perfect logo.
● Establish your brand’s identity.
You want your logo to convey the individuality of your company. And in order to accomplish this, you must first comprehend your brand’s essential personality. It will be a lot simpler for you to make design decisions that complement and complete that image if you have a clear sense of what makes you special and what your brand is all about. In order to clearly define your brand identity, you can ask yourself questions such as: Why did we create this company in the first place? What are the principles and beliefs that we hold dear as a company? What do we excel at that no one else does? What makes us unique? What three words would we use to characterise our company’s brand? What three words would we like our clients to use to characterise us?
● Look for ideas for your design.
The quest for logo inspiration might be the most difficult component of the design process. Begin by having a brainstorming session. Perhaps you are a conceptual thinker who prefers to start with verbal thoughts. A good brainstorming session may be exactly what you need to nail down the design and feel you want. The goal of brainstorming is to get all of your ideas out, including the truly awful ones and writing them down. Even a bad idea can start a discussion that leads to a brilliant solution. Consider your target market. Make a list of terms that characterise your brand and the image you wish to project.
● Involve everyone.
A one-person brainstorming session is wonderful, but variety is what will make the magic happen. Inviting people from all departments, as well as friends and business partners, is a good idea. The more viewpoints you have, the better. When conceptualising your logo, don’t be scared to think outside the box and be a little unconventional. Logos with unique designs allow you express yourself and stand out from the crowd.
● Put together a mood board.
A mood board may be the ideal tool for you to become inspired if you’re a visual person. You may either create a physical board or a digital one by cutting out and pinning printed photos. Simply gather all of the pictures that appeal to you, whether they’re other logos, colour combinations, artwork, or designs. You’ll notice that your mood board quickly reflects the style and design aspects that you choose.
● Pick a design style.
It’s time to start converting your brand into design now that you have a strong sense of who you are and what you want to achieve. Colours, forms, and visuals, as well as text, all play a role in this design. Isolating each component and what it can accomplish for your logo will allow you to handle things one step at a time rather than becoming overwhelmed by the entire design at once. When it comes to designing your logo, the first step is to choose the proper design style for your company. There is no one-size-fits-all style for everyone; simply what works best for your company.
● Take note of colour.
Colours may have a variety of meanings. Colour psychology is complicated, but to summarise, colours are associated with specific emotions and thoughts. Keep this in mind while picking a colour for your logo. Of course, you don’t have to keep with a single-colour monochromatic logo; instead, you may blend numerous logo colours to create a whole brand colour narrative. Take a look at the colour wheel to find colours that go well together.
● Select the appropriate typography
Choose a font that goes well with your logo and completes it. Also put adequate thought into what message you want to convey through your logo and add text accordingly.
● What not to do when developing a logo.
Now that we’ve understood how to design the perfect logo, let us look at some of the things to avoid while creating a logo. Don’t fall prey to your industry’s clichés. Stay away from generic logos. Make things as simple as possible. For a memorable and printable logo, keep it simple. Don’t attempt to be too trendy. Trends are great, but make sure your logo isn’t going to seem stale in a few years. To save a few bucks, don’t settle for a low-quality logo. Your logo is not the place to cut corners, and you typically get what you pay for.
● Make use of blank space in your logo design to keep it simple.
Keep your logo clean by incorporating plenty of vacant space if you want people to be able to read it from a distance or when it’s incredibly small. When it comes to brochure design, poster design, t-shirt printing, and a variety of other marketing collateral, including vacant space in your logo design is also beneficial. It’s easy to incorporate your logo into a variety of styles and forms.
● Ensure that it is scalable
In order to create a great logo, make one that is scalable. This simply means that even when your logo is scaled to a larger proportion to feature on billboards or advertisements, it should still look good and remain in the minds of viewers. The same is applicable for when the logo is rescaled to a smaller proportion as well. With these tips in mind and a dash of creativity, you can definitely create a perfect logo design.